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International Research Journal of Business Studies Vol 5 No.1

International Research Journal of Business Studies Vol 5 No.1

The Business Model Navigator : 55 Model Yang Akan Mengubah Bisnis Anda

The Business Model Navigator : 55 Model Yang Akan Mengubah Bisnis Anda

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Planting Early Entrepreneurship and Creativity Concepts on Students of Sekolah Aluna Inklusi Montessori

Planting Early Entrepreneurship and Creativity Concepts on Students of Sekolah Aluna Inklusi Montessori

IPMI Mengajar 2018: Implementing Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship Education for Senior High School Students

IPMI Mengajar 2018: Implementing Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship Education for Senior High School Students

Teaching Entrepreneurship through Business Model Canvas to Teenagers at Rumah Belajar Kita

Teaching Entrepreneurship through Business Model Canvas to Teenagers at Rumah Belajar Kita



Dare To Dream Big : Langkah Prodia Menuju Perusahaan Kelas Dunia

Dare To Dream Big : Langkah Prodia Menuju Perusahaan Kelas Dunia

Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies

Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies

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